Josje de Vogel started her PhD in September 2018 at Erasmus School of Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She teaches various subjects at both the bachelor and master level. Before she started working at Erasmus School of Law, she obtained her master’s degree in Commercial and Company Law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The theme of her PhD project is consumer protection in sustainable (use-based) mobility business models within the circular economy. Her research focuses on solutions within consumer protection legislation and examines whether the current legal framework needs to be amended in order to provide equivalent consumer protection to consumers of the mobility usership model. This is done by researching a selection of EU consumer protection directives, the general terms and conditions of companies/entities active within the mobility usership business model and an empirical study on the knowledge and perception of consumer’s rights by consumers participating in this business model.
PhD Student
Erasmus School of law, Sanders Buidling (L), 7th Floor, Private Law
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50,
3062 PA Rotterdam
Research Areas
Private Law
Consumer Law
Consumer Protection
Private Lease
Use-based Business Models
Sharing Economy
Platform Economy
(Private) Sharing Mobility.