Céline works as a teaching assistant and a PhD candidate at the Université catholique de Louvain, where she obtained her law degree. She specialized in labour and social security law at the Université libre de Bruxelles. She started her career by working as an employment lawyer during 6 years at the Barreau de Bruxelles. Going back to the university has been the perfect opportunity for her to engage in the stimulating and international world of scientific research. Celine became passionate about labour law because of its focus on human relationships and dynamic nature. She likes to explore work and employment related questions from a legal point of view complemented by an interdisciplinary approach. Her doctoral research focusses on the issue of regulating crowd work in labour law. Céline’s work seeks to answer the following question: given the fact that recent labour law reforms have been instituting an increasing number of atypical forms of employment, does law contribute to improve protection of workers who live particular employment or work situations, or on the contrary, to legitimate a certain insecurity?
+32 (0)10 47 47 56
Teaching assistant and PhD student
Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire Droit, Entreprise et Société (CRIDES) - Atelier de droit sociAL
Faculté de droit et de criminologie - Institut pour la recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences juridiques
Place Montesquieu, 2 bte L2.07.01
B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
Doctoral research under the supervision of Filip Dorssemont and Pascale Vielle : « La personne qui travaille par l’intermédiaire des plateformes numériques, un sujet de droit ? »
Atelier de droit sociAL from Université catholique de Louvain : « Le travail par l’intermédiaire des plateformes numériques »
On behalf of Agence du Numérique (Région wallonne) with LENTIC and CES from l’Université de Liège and CIRTES from l’Université catholique de Louvain : « L’impact de la révolution numérique sur le secteur de services aux personnes »
On behalf of IT for change (Bengaluru, India) with Alain Strowel, Rossana Ducato, Anne-Grace Kleczewski and Enguerrand Marique : “Protection of users in the platform economy: a European perspective”
Research Areas
Atypical and insecure forms of employment
Crowd work (sensu lato)
Social status of self-employed persons
Theoretical approach of labour law