Auriane Lamine is a legal scholar who specializes in labour law (PhD Louvain 2016, LLM Harvard 2013) and a philosopher (MA Louvain 2014). She is currently an Associate Professor of law at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) where she teaches International, European and Belgian labour law. She is a member of the CRIDES research center (Centre de recherches entreprise, droit et société, Uclouvain) and an associate fellow of the CERCRID (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne). Her recent work focuses on the comparative study of collective bargaining systems, the law of multinational firms and transnational company agreements.
Associate Professor of Labour Law at UCLouvain
Academic member of CRIDES
UCLouvain - JURI
Place Montesquieu 2/L2.07.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Working in the era of digital platforms, challenges and opportunities: A study in social law; Atelier de droit social, «Le travail par l’intermédiaire des plateformes numériques» (with F. Dorssemont and C. Wattecamps)
Research Areas
Transnational company agreements
Globalization and the world of work
Democracy and the multinational firm
Collective bargaing