Aurélien Fortunato is a post-doctoral fellow at the Université of Lille Droit et Santé (CRD&P - Demogue team), after having defended a thesis entitled "Clauses and restrictive competition practices" (Pr. D. Voinot dir.). He teaches digital, business and contract law, and his post-doctoral research focuses on the area of collaborative economy.
+33 (0) 320 90 75 36
Doctor of Law
Post-doctoral fellow at the Université of Lille Droit et Santé
Faculté des Sciences juridiques, politiques et sociales
Centre René Demogue
Bureau B.2.20
1, Place Déliot
59 000 Lille
Good practices and collaborative Economy (CRDP - Fondation MAIF)
Research Areas
Business law
Consumer law
Competition law
Contract law
Digital law
Unfair commercial practices