Alena Barinova is a Phd Student at the University of Lille (CRDP - ERDP team). After graduating from the Samara State University in Russia, Alena Barinova worked as a company jurist for five years in Russia. However, European law and its applications have always aroused her interest. She resumed her studies in France and obtained a degree in the University of Lille and in the University of Paris-Saclay (Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University). Today, her centre of interest consists in studying the collaborative economy and its regulation at European level. She is writing a thesis on this subject at the University of Lille.
Ph.D. student

University of Lille
Place Dèliot 1
59 000 Lille

Research Areas

European Law
Competition Law
Consumer Law
Sharing economy



Article Law

L’applicabilité du droit européen de la concurrence à l’économie collaborative

Il est clair que l’Internet et les technologies numériques ont largement transformé notre manière de vivre, tant du point de vue social et relationnel que du point de vue du travail[1]. Depuis plusieurs années, on peut ainsi constater une progression notable du secteur de l’économie numérique sur l’économie classique. L’économie collaborative fait partie de cette […]