Article Economics Law

Crowdfunding and co-opetition

First published on IPdigIT. On May 22, the Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation (LabEx-ReFi) organized a one-day workshop on Online Alternative Finance: Building a Bridge between Research and Practitioners. The objective of the workshop was “to bring together scholars, industry leaders and regulators to have an open-minded discussion about our current state of knowledge […]

Article IT&IP Law Law

La réputation en ligne, un nouvel actif immatériel dans l’économie collaborative

This article, by Alain Strowel and Enguerrand Marique, was first published on IPdigIT. En 2011, la Commission européenne proposait un plan d’action pour renforcer la confiance dans l’économie numérique1 En présentant en 2015 une stratégie pour le marché unique numérique, la Commission visait à concrétiser davantage ce plan action2 . Cela donne à penser que […]

Article Economics Law Society

“Big Data in the Platform Economy” – A Digest of the Conference

On May 13, 2016, the editors of IPdigIT organized a one-day conference to study the growing importance of ‘Big data in the platform economy‘. To this end, they assembled a panel of experts from several disciplines: applied mathematics, engineering, economics, management, policy-making, and law. (You can find the general description of the conference here). The […]

Article Economics Law

Taking on Uber

First published on IPdigIT. Over the past six years, Uber has become a synonym for on-demand transportation services. The San-Francisco based start-up pioneered the industry and continues to hold the pole position in the American market. According to a recent article on Bloomberg, Uber currently seeks to raise $2.1 billion in a financing round that […]

Article IT&IP Law Law

La e-réputation des entreprises: lente à construire, rapide à détruire?

First published on IPdigIT. La réputation des entreprises est un actif incorporel important, quoiqu’invisible dans la comptabilité, ce serait même selon certains “l’actif stratégique le plus important sur le plan de la création de valeur. Elle procure à la firme un avantage compétitif unique qui lui permet de se différencier de ses concurrents.” (M. Graziani, […]

Article IT&IP Law Law

Do you believe in sharing or in owning? Do you rely on commons or on private property?

First published on IPdigIT. An article in the Financial Times (Tim Harford, ‘Do you believe in sharing?’, F.T., August 31/Sept. 1 2013) reminds us of an eternal debate: shall we believe in the ability of humans to adequately share and reasonably use the resources offered by our planet? Or do we have to define property […]